Never Trump 2024

“I play to people’s fantasies.”

Never Trump 2024

“I’d say that’s pretty smart — he’s taking over a country”.

Never Trump 2024

“He’s very smart. He has total dominant control.”

Never Trump 2024

Trump: “End debates, end primaries, suspend the Constitution”.

Articles About Donald J. Trump

Liz Cheney Says Trump Would Never Leave

Q. “Do you believe if Donald Trump were elected next year, that he would try to stay in office beyond a second term? That he would never leave office?” Liz Cheney: “There’s no question… Absolutely. He’s already done it once.” (April 2023) Q. “Do you believe if Donald...

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Trump Cower Moscow

The KGB began recruiting Trump in the early 80s. The prevailing evidence and his behavior shows he is owned by Russia. Why are we STILL not talking about this? Greg Olear

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Death Wish Upon Joe Walsh

Former Congressman Joe Walsh got this death wish... hear him tell about it. Like Joe, for the last 8 years we also have been threatened with deportation and death by various means 'when Trump is elected'. Recently, I received a deeply disturbing message from a Trump...

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