Never Trump 2024

“I play to people’s fantasies.”

Never Trump 2024

“I’d say that’s pretty smart — he’s taking over a country”.

Never Trump 2024

“He’s very smart. He has total dominant control.”

Never Trump 2024

Trump: “End debates, end primaries, suspend the Constitution”.

Articles About Donald J. Trump

Jared Kushner Called to Face the Music

"We write to urge you to convene a hearing regarding Jared Kushner's apparent influence peddling and quid pro quo deals involving investments in exchange for official actions and to examine the resulting threats to our national security. Our request comes in light of...

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Trump Profits From Sale of Bibles

Contrary to the misleading claims on his website, Trump profits personally from the sale of the bibles he is currently hawking. "CIC Ventures, though, is a conduit to Trump — personally, if not politically. In his financial disclosure released last year, he’s...

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Deliver Us From America’s Huckster-in-Chief

“May I be honest; may I be decent; may I be unaffected by the technique of hucksters,” John Steinbeck once wrote in a letter to a friend. “May I for a little while, only for a little while, see with the inflamed eyes of a God.” With the possibility of a huckster...

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