Never Trump 2024

“I play to people’s fantasies.”

Never Trump 2024

“I’d say that’s pretty smart — he’s taking over a country”.

Never Trump 2024

“He’s very smart. He has total dominant control.”

Never Trump 2024

Trump: “End debates, end primaries, suspend the Constitution”.

Articles About Donald J. Trump

Who Sent Threatening Mailer to Denton Residents?

Denton, Texas residents got this mailer in their mailboxes, warning them they'd better vote or their names would be turned into 'President' Trump. The tiny little seal in the corner says "America First Conservatives" but it is still not certain what group sent out the...

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Back When Ted Cruz Was Honest

Ted Cruz has been totally vindicated, although he'll do anything now not to take credit for it. In his famous May 3, 2016 rant before the Indiana Primary, Cruz finally unloaded on Trump, and correctly identified that the National Enquirer was functioning as...

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Cui Bono?

Nine witnesses in the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new jobs, and a grant of shares and cash from Trump’s media company. These pay...

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