Tracking the Oligarchy 2025

“I play to people’s fantasies.”

The Communist Connection

“I’d say that’s pretty smart — he’s taking over a country”.

Admiration of Dictators

“He’s very smart. He has total dominant control.”

Crime Family Trump

Trump: “End debates, end primaries, suspend the Constitution”.

Russia, Russia Russia!

Russians: “They will quickly dismantle America brick by brick.”

Articles About Donald J. Trump

Trump is Woke

Trump adopts the gay anthem “YMCA” for his theme song. Trump declares that Caitlyn Jenner and other trans can use ANY bathroom they want at Mar-a-Lago. Trump adopts Coca-Cola as the official inauguration drink. Coca-Cola is the company that told their employees they...

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Jack Smith’s Report is Here

Read the full 174-page report from Jack Smith's DOJ here. This J6 criminal made the utterly ridiculous claim that he was beating a capitol police officer because he thought he was 'Antifa'. He was beating him with the American flag on behalf of Trump. MAGAs...

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Role Reversal?

Hard to tell the MAGA from the Dems these days. It's as if the roles have been reversed. - Spending more than any Dem (See Roy's rant below - Dems raised debt ceiling 29 times, GOP 49 times) - Sexual abusers, pedophiles and felons (Too many list here) - White washing...

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