Never Trump 2024

“I play to people’s fantasies.”

Never Trump 2024

“I’d say that’s pretty smart — he’s taking over a country”.

Never Trump 2024

“He’s very smart. He has total dominant control.”

Never Trump 2024

Trump: “End debates, end primaries, suspend the Constitution”.

Articles About Donald J. Trump

Cults of a Feather

Well I don't think it's as bad as the one Mike Flynn did, if you actually know the history and origins of it that is!— AClarice (@AngelaClar1) July 16, 2024

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‘Not a Man’ If You Don’t Vote Trump?

Two of the most despicable interlopers into the GOP discuss how 'tough' Trump is, you know the guy who dodged the draft due to fake 'bone spurs'? They are having a hard time convincing me... @VivekGRamaswamy and @charliekirk11 are two of the most despicable,...

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The Ads Will Write Themselves!

Yesterday, MAGA was blaming those who called Trump "Hitler" for the shooting. Today, Trump picks someone who called him "Hitler" as his running mate. JD Vance is the VP pick! This is great news! Vance is a "yes man" who will help Trump lie when he loses again in...

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Failure of Our Educational System is at Play

Trump was recruited by the Russians in 1980 to run for office for the purpose of destroying the GOP from within. And that's exactly what he's doing by virtue of his leftist agenda despite his 'conservative' talk. His pro-abortion, pro-trx, pro-spending, pro-violent...

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