Trump Makes Excuses for His Failures

In 2016, Donald Trump constantly ripped politicians for making excuses and saying things couldn’t be done.But today? Trump is the politician making excuses.— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) January 6, 2024

Trump Cuts Deal with Pelosi and Schumer on Debt Ceiling

Trump sides with Democrats in debt limit, funding, Harvey deal Donald Trump, who casts himself as a master negotiator, took the first offer Democrats put on the table. Politico Donald Trump cuts deal with Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, agrees to raise debt limit...

Trump Wanted Him Ousted From GOP, But Massie Coasts in Primary

Rep. Thomas Massie was declared the winner of the Republican primary in Kentucky’s 4th District on Tuesday, coasting to a comfortable win after President Donald Trump had called for him to be ousted from the GOP. In the end, Massie’s race against lawyer Todd McMurtry...

Trump Tries to Destroy Massie for Opposing the CARES ACT

How dumb is Trump? He doesn’t even know what is in the bills he is promoting. If you thought you loved @RepThomasMassie before; you didn’t love him enough.— Cooper (@yankees_28th) December 30, 2023