Trump Notorious for Not Paying His Bills

Below are several reports of Trump not paying his bills. “Trump never pays his bills”: Truth Social reportedly stiffs contractor amid financial “disarray” Former President Donald Trump’s Twitter knockoff Truth Social stiffed a contractor in the latest sign of...

Trump Owed Tens Of Millions to Bank of China

Trump’s ownership of the building received a smattering of attention before and after his 2016 campaign. But the arrangement with the Bank of China in 2012 has gone largely unnoticed. The questions surrounding Trump’s ties to the Bank of China come as his campaign is...

Trump Political Donations

“When people criticize him for donating to Hillary Clinton/Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi etc, he says that it’s not because he agrees with them — it’s just that he was a businessman — and he did it to get things done for his business. Think about what he is...

Jared and Ivanka Made Up to $640 Million in the White House

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reported between $172 million and $640 million in outside income while working in the White House, according to an analysis of financial disclosures by CREW. Citizens for Ethics (CREW) Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In...