Trump Suggests Shooting Americans in the Streets

Trump’s former Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Donald Trump: “He wanted to deploy active-duty troops on the street of Washington, D.C. and suggested actually that we shoot Americans in the street. That’s kind of more of what you’ll see.” Trump’s former...

Plans to Use Totalitarian Tactics Revealed

Kash Patel says as Trump’s next CIA Director he will lead “patriots” appointed by Trump in an all-out effort to prosecute and jail people in government and the media: “We will find the conspirators in govt and the media. Yes, we are going to come after the people in...

Trump Brags How He Released Criminals from Jail

Trump praises his endorsement from Black Lives Matter and then doubles down on releasing criminals from jail. Unbelievable. Amid an historic rise in violent crime, Donald Trump is bragging about support from BLM and how he passed the First Step Act — a jailbreak bill...