Trump Has Always Liked Revenge

Trump admits that he loves ‘getting even’. Trump has such a fragile ego, and has such an inferiority complex, he has to trash others to elevate himself in his own mind. He is a true sociopath. Call me crazy, but I like a politician who laughs. Who smiles....

Trump Still Adulating Communist Dictators

Just in the last 72 hours: Trump said that Kim Jong Un “misses” him. Trump said that he “kinda liked that” when the head of the Taliban called him “Your Excellency” Trump praised the Chinese dictator Xi Jinping: “He’s a brilliant man. He...

‘Not a Man’ If You Don’t Vote Trump?

Two of the most despicable interlopers into the GOP discuss how ‘tough’ Trump is, you know the guy who dodged the draft due to fake ‘bone spurs’? They are having a hard time convincing me… @VivekGRamaswamy and @charliekirk11 are two of...

Porn Star Says GOP is Where She Belongs

In March of 2024 THIS PORN STAR said that satanists were good because they help women get abortions. At the GOP convention she told a cheering crowd that Trump made her realize the GOP was where she belongs. A pornstar who in March 2024 said that satanists were good...