Trump Still Adulating Communist Dictators

Just in the last 72 hours: Trump said that Kim Jong Un “misses” him. Trump said that he “kinda liked that” when the head of the Taliban called him “Your Excellency” Trump praised the Chinese dictator Xi Jinping: “He’s a brilliant man. He...

The Case for the “Staged” Assassination

Note: This Twitter/X user lays out the case for why he feels the Trump assassination attempt was staged. Let us make it clear that while we DO NOT believe it was staged, we certainly understand all the other facts he states as true — Trump would not hesitate to do any...

Trump: Kim Jong-un ‘Misses Me”

Trump says that Kim Jong Un, the world’s most bloodthirsty dictator, wants to see him back in office: “I think he misses me.”— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) July 19, 2024

McCarthy: “Gaetz Looks Very Unhinged”

Kevin McCarthy affirms that Matt Gaetz was involved with young girls. “He looks very unhinged. A lot of people have concerns about him, and I’m not sure if he was on something. But I do hope that he gets the help that he needs. More importantly, I hope the...