Bannon and Flynn Plot Retribution

For all their complaints about ‘lawfare’, Bannon and Flynn and promising worse to media outlets, journalists, and authors. "You know what you did" — Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn threaten MSNBC staffers with prosecution for their involvement...

Elect a Clown, Get a Circus

The more we hear of Trump’s choices for his cabinet, the more truly horrifying it gets. It’s not bad enough that the president-elect himself was the worst in history, highly unqualified and still considered unfit for the job. In addition, he is a convicted...

Was Starlink Used, Then Destroyed?

For four years we had to listen to the lie that Trump and Co. spread, insisting that the 2020 election was stolen. This assertion caused a lot of harm to the country and to individuals who believed it. This time, the Trump campaign assured us they would stop any...