from Josh Power on X (@JoshPower80):

– Trump is and always will be, an idiot. Spare me the ‘you’re only helping Kamala by telling the truth’, garbage. Pathetic.

– Many of us knew Biden would drop and it would be Kamala vs Trump. That was obvious. Kamala will probably beat him. Trump is the only GOP nominee she would have beaten. We knew that as well.

– Trump is not a conservative. He’s not a good husband, a good father a good citizen or even a good person. He’s batsh*t crazy and he’s a traitor that called to terminate the Constitution and sought to overturn an election his own team repeatedly told him he’d lost.

– The fake elector plot he orchestrated was treasonous.

– He worships dictators because that’s who he wants to be. He hates Americans of character and principle, because he’s an immoral degenerate that has neither of those things.

– Trump is responsible for Fauci and the lockdowns. Trump put Fauci in place and defended him. Fauci set the lockdown policies that became de-facto law throughout America, which the Democrats used as their guidelines for the harshest lockdown policies in the country. All of those policies came from Fauci and that was all Trump. MAGAdonians are too confused and stupid to see this. His slimy advisors, allies and henchmen have deceived and reprogrammed millions of Americans, allowing Trump to sidestep responsibility for the most disastrous domestic policy decisions of the past century.

– Trump’s shutdowns, combined with printing more cash than has ever been in existence, ignited the inflation that killed the value of our dollar. MAGAdonians don’t get this because they’re too dumb and don’t understand how inflation works. Inflation to them is whatever Loomer and Bannon say it is.

– Trump is responsible for the ‘clot shot’. His warp speed rushed it to market and bypassed adequate safety testing. The ‘pure blood’ Magadonian crowd are some of the most vocal critics of the vaccine, but they also worship the self-proclaimed ‘Father of the Vaccine’. Stupid, gullible, brainwashed and pitiful. Total losers. I cringe when I see these fake conservatives in their stupid red hats. Moronic sheep.

– No matter what happens, we are destined for crap governance for the next 4 years. Trump and Kamala are both trash. DeSantis was our way out, but the GOP primary voters were too stupid to see it.

– I keep seeing the sad clowns barking: ‘Fall in line and vote Trump to save America!’as if that will do any good. Trump is insane, incompetent and un-American. He’s a sorry excuse for a man, much less a President. The fact that Kamala Harris is trash, doesn’t change that one bit.

– No politicians are coming to save the day, so stop worshiping them as deities. Stand up for your family, your community, your neighbors. Do the right thing in your own daily life. Treat your spouse right. Raise your kids right. Be there for your momma and daddy when they get old. Work as hard as you can to make your company successful. Live with integrity and character. That’s how we make America great and strong. It’s us, not the politicians.

PS: Most of the MAGA influencers are undercover Democrats and clout chasers, intent on destroying the GOP. Loomer is one that comes to mind, but there are many more. Watching so-called conservative thought leaders and elected officials clap like barking seals for these idiots is pitiful and indicative of a lack of intelligence, common sense and any sense of character and integrity from many on today’s American Right.