“When people criticize him for donating to Hillary Clinton/Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi etc, he says that it’s not because he agrees with them — it’s just that he was a businessman — and he did it to get things done for his business.
Think about what he is saying…
He helped people get elected who hurt the country – only to line his own pockets.
This isn’t my accusation – this is HIS EXPLANATION.
The man is admitting to routinely putting himself above the best interests of the country to enlarge his bank account. And he’s using this as a selling point. And people are buying it.”
~ Stu Burgiere
These records were taken from OpenSecrets website which publishes political donation records for all candidates.
– Cory Booker (D-NJ) in 2014 – Held huge fundraiser for his Senate race!
– Kamala Harris (D-CA) in 2011 – $11,000
– Terry McAuliffe (D-VA): 2009 – $25,000
– Charlie Rangel (D-NY): 2006 – $10,000
– Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) $12,000 Total, $2,000 in 2006 Re-election
– Harry Reid (D-NV): Donated $4,800 in 2010 to Reid to defeat Sharon Angle. $10,400 to Reid overall
– Chuck Schumer (D-NY): Donated $4,000 during 2010 Election Cycle
– Kirsten Gillibrand (D_NY):: $5,800 over past 2 cycles
– Ted Kennedy (D-MA): $7,000
– John Kerry (D-MA): $5,500 ($2,000 in 2004 Pres race, also gave Bush (R-TX) $2,000)
– Democratic Senatorial Committee: $116,000 (versus $30K to GOP Senatorial Committee)
– Rahm Emanuel (D-Chicago) $50,000 to his mayoral race