We noticed an interesting sign on someone’s property today. It read:

Trump for Law and Order
Kamala for Crime

We had to laugh. Trump for law and order? Certainly the adjudicated rapist and 34-time felon and employer who bankrupted his workers because he refused to pay them is not the law and order candidate. Harris was a prosecutor who put people like Trump in jail… and sex and drug traffickers too.

Before she was Vice President and a US Senator, Harris was Attorney General of California and before that a District Attorney.

Every Trump accusation is a confession.

Recently Representative Carlos Gimenez (R – Fla) @CarlosGimenezFL was questioned on why Trump would suggest that Harris mentally deficient or ‘low-IQ’. His response was that Harris cannot carry on a conversation. Really? Maybe he should watch video of Trump struggling to read the teleprompter (that he claims he doesn’t use) and pronounce words, or listen closely to Trump’s word salads, failure to stay on topic, or answer questions coherently. Here are some of his worst, and this compilation does not even include his latest ramblings about Hannibal Lecter, electric boats, sharks, eating cats and dogs, or Arnold Palmer’s genitals.

Every Trump accusation is a confession.

When the Haitians came to Ohio to work in the factories there, it was 2018 under the Trump’s administration’s Temporary Protected Status (TPS) policy. On October 31, 2018, the Department of Justice continued documentation for beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti.

Every Trump accusation is a confession.

Trump accused this administration of taking cash from FEMA to pay for migrant programs.This is not true. It was actually Trump who used FEMA money for immigrants.

Every Trump accusation is a confession.

When we saw an ad on TV blaming Harris for the transgender care of prison inmates, it turns out it is a lie.
Donald Trump’s administration was actually who wrote the DOJ Transgender Care Manual in 2018 for prison inmates to receive gender affirming surgery and care.

Every Trump accusation is a confession.

In 2015 a conservative friend commented on Trump’s bid for president. “He’ll get us all killed” she posted on Facebook. Now in 2024 she is an elected official and cheerleader for him. But General Jim Mattis, Mark Espers and General Mark Milley agree with her on that, and they know because they actually worked with him.