From @TrumpFile on Twitter/X:

A message to every MAGA Patriot on X: Donald Trump lied to you.

Donald Trump told you that Republicans would steal the 2016 primary for Ted Cruz. He wanted you to call it fraud if Ted Cruz won, so he lied to you.

He told you Democrats would steal the 2016 general election for Hillary. He wanted you to call it fraud if she won, so he lied to you.

He told you they would steal it again in 2020, through mail-in voting, “illegals,” “ballot harvesting,” Dominion voting machines, and more.

He wanted you to call it fraud if Biden won, so he lied to you.

He expected to lose every time. When he finally did, you still fell for it. But it’s not your fault.

Every single person, news outlet, and organization who would profit off a second Trump term repeated his lies so you’d stay firm in your belief and so you’d distrust our system.

They thought if they lied enough and got you angry enough, you would help Trump stay in office by doing something crazy… something like storming the Capitol during the electoral college certification.

Then they lied to you and said J6 was Antifa and the FBI in disguise, not real Trump supporters. Four years later, Trump is planning a ceremony next month to thank the MAGA supporters who were there that day.

If you look at the actual facts and ignore everything Trump and people on TV and social media have said to you to trick you… Here is what we know:

Every Trump administration official who testified under penalty of perjury about the 2020 election confirmed there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud or illegal voting.

Every lawsuit regarding the 2020 election was dismissed, even by Trump-appointed judges.

The only reason you think that you can’t trust our election results, that there is widespread voter fraud, or that Democrats can somehow rig elections is that Trump lost ONE TIME. That’s it. Just once.

Is that really so hard to believe, especially considering that so many Americans knew someone who had died from COVID?

Folks, he’s already lying to you again.

Trump’s team is working on new phony lawsuits for November. They’re even filing lawsuits early to un-enroll tens of thousands of voters in swing states like Arizona. so the margin of victory is close enough to claim “FRAUD!” when he loses.

Trump’s team also has a plan to end all election monitoring if he’s re-elected, so Republicans can yell “FRAUD!” again in 2028 with no way for the government to tell if there was fraud or not.

They are doing exactly what they accuse Democrats of doing: destroying the integrity of our elections. Don’t. Fall. For. It.

If you still can’t believe it, think about this…

Here’s Trump last month saying that the Republican Party will have lawyers at every poll booth in November.

He’s still going to say there was widespread fraud despute attorneys watching every voting location and despite telling Fox News viewers that he doesn’t need their votes.

If you think he’s telling the truth, then you should trust that the election will be safe and secure. The lawyers will stop non-citizens from voting and stop Americans from voting twice. You have nothing to worry about, right?

So if he still blames widespread fraud for losing, then he’ll be lying, won’t he?

On the other hand, if you agree that having a lawyer at every poll booth isn’t possible, then you know he’s lying to you already, right?

There IS a corrupt, globalist elite who want to destroy our country and our democracy. But it isn’t the Democrats.

It’s the party led by the man who has over a dozen countries around the globe invested in his companies and his presidency.

If you are a Trump supporter and this post has made you start to wonder, even a little bit, if it’s true that Trump has been a conman this entire time, you might find some answers at our website.

Wishing you all a safe and healthy future,

Visit for a timeline of Trump’s crimes.