From Russia With Lev [Documentary]

Les Parnas is a Ukrainian immigrant from New York who got involved with the Trump and Rudy ‘mafia’. His job was promoting Russian propaganda and orchestrating a disinformation campaign specifically to derail the Bidens by creating false claims against Hunter Biden regarding Hunter’s involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company.

Spoiler: Parnas ends up being convicted of fraud, [Lev Parnas And Igor Fruman Charged With Conspiring To Violate Straw And Foreign Donor Bans] does time in jail, and so regrets his involvement in trying to sway elections to the point he cries and apologizes to Hunter, and affirms that there was absolutely nothing illegal or corrupt about what Biden did with regard to Ukraine.

The kicker in all of this? Trump still denies he ever knew Parnas or Igor Fruman, his partner.

It was originally aired on MSNBC, and if you subscribe to cable, you likely can find it ‘on demand’ under the Rachel Maddow Show, Episode 46.

This is a two hour production, so grab your coffee and curl up. Guarantee you will be glued.