In a typically incoherent, unhinged and egocentric rant, Trump spewed his usual lies and exaggerations. It was not lost on a lot of commenters based on this recent disjointed rant, that he really has no economic plan.

Comments of note:

“Says the guy whose company made $3 million in revenue last year and lost $100M, and whose stock has dropped 75%! TRUMP IS THE WORST BUSINESSMAN EVER!” [Accompanied by a screen shot of a 2020 headline that read “US Unemployment is Worst Since Depression”.]

There are no Fortune 500 CEOs who are supporting Donald Trump, says Yale’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, June 24, 2024″.

“He’s a moron. The stock market is at a record high level, unemployment is very low at 4.3%, millions of jobs have been created, and there’s record economic growth. He almost destroyed all of that when he was president through his failed management of global pandemic.”

“Trumps limited vocabulary and inability to express himself on complex subjects is on full display. He is a certified moron.”

“How can anyone listen to this crap and not cringe. How is this any different from 2016 or 2020? It’s not. Someone get him some help. And all those who follow him, WTH are you listening to? WTH is wrong with you? He’s absolutely lost his marbles.”

Read the text of his economic plan for yourself:

“So there are some of the most brilliant people in Wall Street that are saying that if President Trump doesn’t win, you’re going to have a depression. I have to agree. I think that’s true. Because I know how bad these people are. You know, they like to say that they did this and that. You saw the seven trillion that they said it was me for seven trillion. It wasn’t me. It was them. They said that I had inflation. They took over 9% in inflation. No, no, I had 1% inflation. I had actually no inflation because if you look at the categories, we had just about no inflation. But I had a very minor– I actually had a positive inflation. It was a perfect number. Because you don’t want zero. I mean, I’m not going to give you a whole course on economics. But you don’t want zero. 1% 1.4% is great. You want a little bit because you don’t want to have deflation. Deflation is, in many ways, even worse. I had a perfect number right around the 1% number. It was perfect. And to show you, it stayed there for two years. And then he did all of the different borrowings that he did. And then he did so many things wrong. Every time he would do it, I’d say big mistake. And don’t forget they sell hats. And they sell stories. Trump was right about everything. I happened right about a lot.”

16 Nobel Prize-winning economists say Trump policies will fuel inflation