Article by NT Staff.

Trump supporters persist in spreading unfounded and unsupported rumors about other candidates. The candidate they seem to fear the most is the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. DeSantis has a solid record of conservative accomplishments, far beyond anything Trump did as president. None of the accusations made against him are provable.

Here are some of the accusations, debunked:

CLAIM: DeSantis is somehow involved with the Bushes.

DEBUNKED: There is no evidence of any involvement by the Bushes in the DeSantis 2024 campaign. However, Bush cohorts are running the Trump campaign in NH and nationally.

Trump’s 2024 campaign manager Chris LaCivita has worked with the Bush Bros, Paul Ryan, Charlie Crist, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, and Bob Corker.
‘Bushies’ Creep Into Trump’s Administration
Trump has Been Forced to Hire Former Bush Officials as his Staff Leave, Despite Previously Mocking Them: Report
Trump campaign taps Jeb Bush alum for major New Hampshire role

CLAIM: DeSantis is somehow involved with Karl Rove.

DEBUNKED: There is no evidence of any involvement by Karl Rove in the DeSantis 2024 campaign. However, Karl Rove was actually running the Trump campaign in 2020.

‘Complete Idiot’ Donald Trump and ‘Dope’ Karl Rove Now Working Together
“That Ain’t The Truth”: Karl Rove Rips False Rumor That He is Running DeSantis Campaign

CLAIM: DeSantis is somehow involved with Paul Ryan.

DEBUNKED: There is no evidence of any involvement by Paul Ryan in the DeSantis 2024 campaign. However, Trump endorsed Paul Ryan, and worked with him on fighting the Freedom Caucus, eventually concluding that Ryan was ‘like fine wine’. He also endorsed Mitt Romney for US Senate.

Donald Trump Endorses Paul Ryan, John McCain
Trump on Freedom Caucus: ‘We Must Fight Them’
HILARIOUS: Donald Trump Says Paul Ryan is Like a “Fine Wine”
Trump Endorses Mitt Romney for Senate

Trump endorses Paul Ryan:

CLAIM: DeSantis took money from George Soros or is endorsed by Soros.

DEBUNKED: There is no evidence that DeSantis took money from George Soros. has a list of all major donors and if this were true, Soros would be listed there. However, Trump still owes Soros for a $160M loan he took. Perhaps this is why Trump hired so many Democrats to work in his administration, for example, Steve Mnuchin, Soros’s Treasury guy.

Donald Trump Took Liberal Icon George Soros’s Money
Donald Trump’s New Finance Guru: Once a Clinton donor, Soros Employee
Trump Amplifies False Rumor George Soros ‘Endorsed’ Ron DeSantis

CLAIM: Trump doesn’t take money from Lobbyists or big donors and uses his own money for his campaign.

DEBUNKED: Trump has taken plenty of money from Lobbyists and big donors including foreign nationals. He never uses his own money. His PAC is set up so that 90% of the money collected can be used to pay his personal bills. He is being investigated for scamming $250M from his supporters on the premise the money would be used to fight voter fraud when nothing of the sort happened and no organization was set up to do so.

Trump Scammed Supporters Out of $250 Million for Nonexistent Fraud Fund
Trump Contributions from Lobbyists
281 Lobbyists Have Worked in Trump Administration: Report
Here Are the Billionaires Who Donated to Donald Trump’s 2020 Presidential Campaign

As the lies continue, we may add to this post from time to time, so check back!