Traitors Who Knew

Here’s another one who knew darn well who the snake was, but is now on his team. Marco Rubio: “I will make this promise to you today. I will do whatever it takes…Trump, a con artist, will never get control of this party…We cannot allow a con artist...

Rubio Just Chosen for Secretary of State

Trump’s new Secretary of State (March 2016): “For years to come, there are many people on the right, in the media and voters at large, that are going to be having to explain and justify how they fell into this trap of supporting Donald...

Was Starlink Used, Then Destroyed?

For four years we had to listen to the lie that Trump and Co. spread, insisting that the 2020 election was stolen. This assertion caused a lot of harm to the country and to individuals who believed it. This time, the Trump campaign assured us they would stop any...