How the Bolsheviks Looted Russia

In our opinion this is how the MAGA administration plans to steal your money by canceling FDIC and sending the IRS to loot your bank account for whatever crime they can drum up on you, such as speaking ill of their dear leader. MAGA is following the Bolshevik playbook...

Illegal Immigrants?

Elon Musk’s brother admits they were illegal immigrants. (1:40:00 mark) Vivek Ramaswamy admits he was born to two non-citizens. His father is still not a citizen. They better hope the 14th Amendment isn’t...

He’s On Fire!

Trump FBI nominee Kash Patel gets endorsement from Russian state media. Solovyev says “He’s on fire! He’s a beaut! He is very, very good!” And as for the rest they said, “What an excellent team is coming along with Trump”, stating they “really,...