From Twitter/X @AgentSelf99B

Just hit 30,000 followers today, and I’m not stopping there. Thank you to everyone who supports my mission. But let me address the elephant in the room—I know some of you MAGA followers are lurking here.

Let me set the record straight. I’m a registered Republican, have been my whole life. I voted for Trump in 2016. And I regret it. I was naive. I didn’t know the full extent of Trump’s corruption. I thought an outsider might shake up the system. Instead, I helped unleash the most vile, incompetent fraud in modern politics.

Let’s be clear—Trump isn’t a victim of some “deep state.” He’s a con man whose lifelong crimes finally caught up to him when he tried to play president. His lies, his fraud, his abuses didn’t start in politics, they followed him into it. And somehow, you MAGA fools ignore it all.

Nobody forced him to falsify business records and hush up his affair with Stormy Daniels. Nobody forced him to steal classified documents on his way out of the White House. Nobody forced him to incite an insurrection to overthrow an election he lost.

You MAGA fanatics bend over backward to defend the indefensible. You’re blind, willfully ignorant, and frankly, stupid. You’ve traded your critical thinking for a cult of personality.

Trump has been running for president for 9 years, and in all that time, he’s promised to make America great. Instead, he’s made it a laughingstock. When he was president, he had every chance to bring people together, but what did he do? He cozied up to dictators, sabotaged democratic norms, and abandoned his own base when it suited him. He’s a coward, plain and simple.

In 2020, he had one last chance to show leadership, but instead, he doubled down on lies, incited a mob, and tried to burn our democracy to the ground. This isn’t patriotism—it’s treason. And you all cheered it on.

Well, I’m done. Done with Trump, done with MAGA, and done with the entire cult. In 30 days, I’m voting for Kamala Harris and Democrats down the ballot. Because it’s time to rid our country of this plague.

I’ve already convinced family and friends to turn their backs on Trump. This time, we’re eradicating this cancer for good. America is moving forward. You’re either with us or you’re in the trash heap of history with Trump and his cronies. We are not going back.

Note: We are seeing more and more of this as DJT spews lies and his supporters repeat them without fact checking. Some of those lies are just ridiculously ignorant (“she’s not black”) or worse, they are hurting the victims of the recent storms in the south (“FEMA money is short because it was spent on migrants”)