Trump was recruited by the Russians in 1980 to run for office for the purpose of destroying the GOP from within. And that’s exactly what he’s doing by virtue of his leftist agenda despite his ‘conservative’ talk. His pro-abortion, pro-trx, pro-spending, pro-violent crime, and pro-Agenda 2030 actions have already done much damage, not to mention the watered-down platform.

He’s also a felon; a lifelong criminal and sex offender, recently convicted of both.

He’s a pathological narcissistic serial liar who has told at least 30,00 lies in the last 8 years.

We will never forget the so-called ‘Americans’ that put this man in power. They will go down in history as responsible for the destruction of the Republic.

To understand how Trump has been a Russian asset since the 1980s read 3 books that quote his Russian HANDLERS — “American Kompromat” by Craig Unger, “House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia” by Craig Unger, and “Trump/Russia” by Seth Hettena

The failure of our educational system is at play when his supporters think it’s just fine to praise and adulate Putin. Below is a Twitter/X post from the man who sadly took the bullet intended for Trump. He is a product of our public schools which failed to teach this generation the dangers of communism.