Two years ago Sen. Lindsey Graham was calling for someone to assassinate Putin. Now he’s a Putin/Trump stooge that is attacking Zelensky.

This is what Graham said two years ago:

“We can’t let Putin determine what we do in terms of military assistance, economic assistance — and I think that’s what we are allowing to happen.”

“I hope he’ll be taken out one way or another… Yes I’m on record… It’s time for him to go. He’s a war criminal. I wish that someone would have taken Hitler out in the 30s.”

“Putin is not a legitimate leader. He is a war criminal.”

“How do I think this ends? I think if we stick with it. That if we help Ukrainians fight for their own freedom, provide them reasonable assistance on the military front to regain control of their skies, help them with food, and clothing and economic assistance and strangle the Russian economy, that there will be forces that emerge inside of Russia to end this.”

“The world is better without Putin — the sooner the better and I don’t care how we do it.”