A conference was held in 2002 during which recommendations were given by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members on how to best propagandize Americans into a “North American Consciousness”.

The 2002 “Toward a North American Community” conference focused on the social and ideological aspects of the creation of a “North American Community”, and prescribes ways to deal with nationalism and a belief in the sovereignty of ones own country; both obstacles to their plans.

You can read another report from the CFR HERE.

In 1973 the Club of Rome issued a report titled the “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System.” In this document labeled “top secret” a map is shown which divides the world into 10 political/economic regions. It is labeled “New World Order”.

The ultimate goal is to first regionalize the world in an effort toward unification of all countries into a one-world government under control of one leader – the United Nations. The map below outlines the regions.

Ironically this is the GEORGE SOROS NAU/NWO AGENDA.