People who complained about no border controls voted for the guy who squashed a bi-partisan border bill and is advocating for giving green cards to students, amnesty for DACA, and for more H-1B visas and failed to build his promised ‘wall’.

People who complained about FEMA money being spent on migrants, voted for the guy who was actually the one who spent FEMA money on migrant programs.

People who complained about those (legally here) Haitians in Ohio, voted for the guy who gave them TPS because they fled their country which is in turmoil.

People who complained about transgenders using different bathrooms and men competing in womens’ sports voted for the guy who said transgenders could use any bathroom they wanted and allowed a man to compete in one of his contests.

People who complained about gasoline prices going up after COVID voted for the guy who told his friends the Saudis to cut production so that the prices could be raised, protecting his friends in the oil industry.

People who complained that trans prisoners are able to get sex change operations on the taxpayers’ dime voted for the guy who put this law into place.

People who complained about high food prices and energy prices voted for the guy who caused inflation by adding $8 trillion to the debt, and who never vetoed a single Democrat spending bill.

People who complained about censorship just voted for the guy who is now in power and intends to sue or jail authors, journalists, bloggers, and media and has already started doing it.

People who are concerned with pedophiles and sex traffickers of minors voted for the guy that bragged about his behavior with women, was best friends with sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein for many many years and was accused of raping a 13-year old multiple times. He has been accused by dozens of women of sexual assault and was eventually convicted of same.

People who are always screaming the word ‘traitor’ voted for a guy who, since the 1980s has been laundering money for the Russians, and was recruited by them to spread propaganda. He is accused of having given state secrets to the Kremlin in front of staffers while in the White House. He is now proposing policies that benefit the Russian tyrant Putin’s imperialism, in their own words.

People who cite their support for Trump because of ‘rule of law’ voted for someone whose lies caused 7 deaths and much destruction at the Capitol building on January 6, 2021 and who still lies about what happened on that dark day.

People who complain about politicians who lie and have no family values voted for a sociopath and congenital liar, who has no family values.