Here is Donald Trump’s answer on what he’ll do to bring down groceries.

This is 100% verbatim. This is textbook dementia – rambling off the charts, insane, and the MSM won’t say a thing:

“So we have to start always with energy. Always. I don’t want to be boring about it but there’s no bigger subject. It covers everything. If you make donuts, if you make cars, whatever you make, energy’s a big deal. And we’re gonna get that — it’s my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50%. If I can do that we’ve done a hell of a job. 5-0. Not 15, 50. Interest rates are going to follow. And actually they’re going to follow for another reason. The economy is now not good. And interest rates — you’ll see, they’ll do the rate cut and all the political stuff tomorrow. Will he do half a point, will he do a quarter of a point. But the reason is because the economy’s not good. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do it. But we’re gonna get interest rates down. And we gotta work with our farmers. Our farmers are being decimated right now. They’re being absolutely, absolutely decimated. And one of the reasons is we allow a lot of farm product into our country. We’re gonna have to be a little bit like other countries. We’re not gonna allow so much come — we’re gonna let our farmers go to work. And I don’t know if you remember. I love the farmers. Because I had many meetings as president. I had this gorgeous room with this beautiful table that seats about 35 people. And I was with the farmers. Usually everybody wants something. They all want subsidy. But I was with the farmers. And I think you might’ve been there actually Sarah. I said look, we’re gonna get you such a beautiful subsidy, meaning I’m gonna do things. And one of the people raised his hand, ‘Sir, honestly, we don’t want a subsidy. That’s the first time that’s ever happened to me! Everyone wants — they want money, they want to build windmills, we want money for these windmills, ay-yai-yai. Anyway. But you know what? It was amazing. He said, almost tears in his eyes, they were getting decimated. ‘We don’t want a subsidy. We just want a fair level playing field! And I said nobody’s ever said that. And I have many industries, they do all different things. It’s probably the most dramatic l’ve ever seen. He didn’t want anything. All he wanted was to be able to compete fairly. And the problem we have is other countries, they treat us very badly in that way, also. They really are. And sometimes the worst countries are our so-called allies. I say so-called because in many ways they’re not allies at all. They take advantage of us. They really take advantage. But we’re gonna do with the farmers, we’re gonna do what we have to do with the farmers, we’re gonna put our farmers – and do you remember the expression? When I was negotiating with China, China said well we’re not gonna deal with this. Because they never had anybody to negotiate. They did whatever they want. They just took us, like, for a bunch of suckers. But I told the farmers it’s gonna be very good negotiators, you’re gonna suffer for six months and then they’re gonna fold. And that’s exactly what happened… So interest rates, energy and common sense.”

The Dx from ChatGPT?

Based on the language patterns in this excerpt, a therapist might reasonably consider diagnosing the patient with logorrhea (excessive or incoherent talkativeness) and tangential speech (frequently veering off-topic without returning to the original subject). These symptoms are consistent with certain types of dementia, such as fronto-temporal dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, where patients may struggle with organizing thoughts and staying on track during conversations.

Additionally, the speaker shows perseveration (repeatedly returning to themes like energy and farmers), and there are signs of confabulation, as the speaker references detailed, potentially fictional or exaggerated personal memories, such as meeting with farmers as president. These speech patterns are common in dementia patients experiencing cognitive decline and could help a psychotherapist provide a credible diagnosis.