Post by @DylanMAllman on Twitter/X:
I can’t, in good conscience—or even in acceptable conscience—vote for Donald Trump this November, regardless of how terrible his opponent is.
He’s not just disqualified; he’s a living embodiment of everything wrong with American politics.
His record is an indisputable disaster, littered with betrayals, lies, and a toxic brand of populism that has only deepened the very swamp he promised to drain.
I wasn’t fooled the first time, and now that he has been given the opportunity to show his true colors, I sure as hell won’t be deceived now.
Trump’s failures are a fundamental betrayal of every principle worth defending.
Trump’s entire brand is a fraud. He poses as an anti-establishment outsider, but his administration was nothing more than a recycling bin for the very swamp creatures he vowed to expel.
He surrounded himself with lobbyists, corporate insiders, and military-industrial complex shills. From his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, Trump’s cabinet was a parade of the worst Washington had to offer.
His Interior Secretary was an oil and gas lobbyist. His Defense Secretary was a Raytheon lobbyist. His EPA Administrator was a coal lobbyist. His HHS Secretary was a pharmaceutical lobbyist. And his Labor Secretary was a lawyer for mega corporations.
Not to mention him effectively handing the keys to the country over to Anthony Fauci.
This isn’t draining the swamp – it’s expanding it. And anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves.
Trump didn’t start any new wars? Fine, but what an astronomically low bar. It’s laughable.
What he did do was escalate drone strikes by 432%, turning the Middle East and beyond into a kill zone. Innocent lives were lost, and all under the radar of the American public.
Trump armed Saudi Arabia to the teeth, directly fueling their genocidal war in Yemen. And when Congress, in a rare moment of conscience, tried to stop him, Trump vetoed the bill.
Trump continued America’s endless cycle of violence in the Middle East, launching missile strikes in Syria.
Trump’s reckless assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani didn’t just escalate tensions with Iran; it brought us to the brink of a full-scale war. It was an unnecessary and dangerous provocation, one that could have spiraled into global catastrophe.
Trump’s attempt to orchestrate a coup in Venezuela was a classic case of American imperialism—meddling in another sovereign nation’s affairs with no regard for the consequences, all while cloaking it in the language of democracy and freedom.
Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement wasn’t just foolish—it was reckless. He pushed us closer to potential nuclear confrontation, all in the name of undoing Obama’s legacy, regardless of the fallout.
Trump’s criticism of Biden for not being aggressive enough in supporting Israel’s destruction of Gaza reveals a man who is perfectly comfortable with more bloodshed.
Despite all his bluster about pulling out of conflicts, he kept America’s war machine humming along just fine. This is not the mark of a peace-seeking leader but of a man willing to wage war by remote control, with no oversight and no accountability.
Trump had every opportunity to roll back the surveillance state’s reach, but instead, he doubled down. He renewed the Patriot Act and FISA without a second thought, ensuring that Americans remain under the watchful eye of Big Brother.
His administration did nothing to dismantle the NSA’s mass data collection programs, keeping the deep state’s grip on our personal freedoms as tight as ever.
Trump’s betrayal of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden is unforgivable. These men exposed the crimes and corruption of the deep state, only to be abandoned by a president who claimed to be on the side of truth and transparency.
Trump could have pardoned them, but instead, he left them to the wolves, showing that when it comes to challenging the surveillance state, he’s all talk and no action.
Trump’s so-called defense of free speech is one of the greatest cons of his presidency.
He has repeatedly called for jailing journalists who report unflattering truths, sued media outlets for negative coverage, and proposed jailing flag burners and deporting pro-Palestine protestors.
Trump raged against Big Tech censorship, but his actions never matched his words. He failed to rein in the power of Silicon Valley giants like Facebook and Twitter, who continue to manipulate public discourse with impunity.
His complaints about social media bias are nothing more than self-serving whining from a man who can’t stand criticism.
Trump isn’t some great defender of free expression—it is clear that he is more interested in crushing dissent than protecting the First Amendment.
Far from being a triumph, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was a rushed, reckless endeavor that prioritized Big Pharma profits over public safety.
The vaccine rollout was chaotic, poorly managed, and the long-term consequences remain unknown. This wasn’t about protecting Americans—it was about scoring political points and enriching the pharmaceutical industry.
Trump’s initial support for lockdowns led to the greatest wealth transfer in modern history, crushing small businesses while enriching the mega-corporations he claimed to oppose.
The economic devastation wrought by these policies will haunt future generations, and Trump bears a significant share of the blame.
In response to the economic fallout, Trump turned on the money printer, devaluing the dollar, adding more to the national debt than any President in history, and setting the stage for the inflationary crisis we’re living through now.
This reckless monetary policy was nothing more than a short-term fix that ignored the long-term consequences, leaving future generations to pay the price.
Trump’s choice of JD Vance as his VP is a chilling sign of things to come. Vance, a Silicon Valley puppet with deep ties to Peter Thiel, represents the fusion of Big Tech and Big Brother—a surveillance state nightmare that should terrify anyone who values freedom and privacy.
Thiel’s influence, from Palantir to Anduril, has already entrenched the surveillance state in ways we can barely comprehend. Vance, a man who once compared Trump to Hitler, is now firmly in his camp—a testament to the corrosive power of money and influence in American politics.
Thiel’s vision for America is one of omnipresent surveillance, where every action is monitored, every dissent suppressed, and every movement tracked. His companies’ technologies are already being used by law enforcement and the military, creating a panopticon where privacy is a relic of the past.
By aligning with Vance and Thiel, Trump is signaling that his second term will be even more authoritarian, even more invasive, and even more destructive to our civil liberties.
Trump, who presents himself as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, was quick to turn his back on gun rights when it suited his agenda.
After the Las Vegas shooting, Trump pushed for and successfully implemented a ban on bump stocks—a move that not only violated the Second Amendment but set a dangerous precedent for further gun control measures.
And let’s not forget his comments about taking guns away from people “first” and worrying about due process “second”—an outright authoritarian statement that should chill anyone who values their constitutional rights.
Trump’s willingness to flirt with gun control when it’s politically convenient shows that his commitment to the Second Amendment is as flimsy as his other promises.
Trump’s broken promise to fully declassify the JFK assassination files is one of the most glaring examples of his lack of transparency and his willingness to protect the establishment he claims to fight.
He initially promised to release all the files, only to backtrack and keep crucial documents hidden from public view. This isn’t the behavior of a man committed to truth and transparency—it’s the action of someone protecting powerful interests at the expense of the American people’s right to know.
If Trump can’t be trusted to follow through on something as fundamental as transparency regarding the assassination of a president, what else is he willing to hide?
Trump’s supporters need to wake up to the fact that he is not the savior they believe him to be. He is a self-serving conman who has used his platform to enrich himself and his cronies while leaving his base to suffer the consequences.
The idea that Trump is fighting for the little guy is a fantasy—a dangerous, delusional fantasy that keeps millions trapped in a cycle of false hope and disappointment.
Supporting Trump is not an act of rebellion; it is an act of submission to the very forces that are tearing this country apart.
Trump is not the answer to America’s problems—he is the embodiment of them. To vote for him is to endorse the continued erosion of our liberties, the perpetuation of endless war, and the entrenchment of a surveillance state that watches our every move.
I refuse to be complicit in this grand deception. Trump’s record is all the proof I need that he is unfit for power.
His promises are empty, his rhetoric is hollow, and his legacy is one of betrayal.
We deserve better. America deserves better.