@DirtRoadPickup posted:

I’m a longtime Republican and I’ve decided to leave the Trump Cult Party and become an independent. Watching the entire GOP establishment rally around this demented, traitorous fool, has been revolting. Completely pathetic. This clown is a liar, a criminal, a con artist and a total buffoon.

His leadership skills are awful. He divided the nation every chance he could, locked the entire country down, crashed the economy, printed more cash than has ever been in existence, added more debt than any 1 term POTUS ever, blew out the deficits, lit the fires of 40 year high inflation, gave us Fauci, Warp Speed and the clot shot, tried to overturn the election, instigated J6/the fake elector plot (treason), and openly called to terminate the Constitution so he could stay in power.

His own former VP said he will not support him again because he tried to get him to violate the Constitution in order to unlawfully stay in power. That’s his OWN VP. That alone is DISQUALIFYING and should put the man out of politics forever, but the entire GOP, their foot soldiers and propaganda machine is rallying him again?

He constantly fawns over the Chinese communist dictator, just incessantly gushing about how great he is and how smart he is, how talented that he is to be able to ‘rule over 1.3B people with an iron fist’. Just sickening. I’m a Reagan guy, could you ever hear Reagan saying that? Hell no.

He and his grotesque family have turned the GOP into a Trump Cult, a vehicle for their own lust for power and financial enrichment. His daughter, a fitness instructor, placed as the Vice Chair of the party?? WTH. And every time you turn around, they have a new grift from these losers.

The dude is mentally unstable, reckless, and insane. Everyone sees it. Every day, he displays some new level of stupidity we didn’t think he could reach. He rambles like an incoherent madman. Kamala’s word salads? WTF? Have you heard Trump speak?? He’s nuts! He gives a completely incoherent rant and then the propagandists nod and give this fool credibility. ‘I think he just won the election today with this amazing speech!’. *nods and rubs chin*.


Hs former VP, Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State, National Security Advisor and many, many others from his own administration won’t support him for another term, and many of them have said he’s dangerously unfit, stupid, dumb as a rock, and a threat to the Republic. Yet here, we are, BACK FOR MORE.

The GOP and the entire Right Wing establishment is completely rallying around this traitorous fool and actually trying to seat him in the White House again. Just unbelievable. Every day, he shows he isn’t a conservative, and doesn’t adhere to the principles the Republican party is supposed to represent. 20%-60% tariffs on all imports? Tariffs are a tax on foreign countries? What in the hell.

He shows his idiocy every day. We all know he tried to overturn the election. And yet every, single day, the biggest names at the head of the party debase themselves and continue to lie and deceive on behalf of this total fool. It’s sickening.

Who wants to be associated with a party of liars and dirtbags that don’t even align with your values, whose heads don’t have the integrity to stand for principles and basic integrity/character? The dude called to terminate the Constitution for crying out load, and they still love him and can’t get enough. Freakin’ cult.

It’s all beyond repair. Embarrassing to even be associated with this idiocy, so I’m out. Hopefully these fools will lose in a massive landslide and go back to the drawing board, redesign and come back with something new.