This Twitter/X post was made by Matt Strickland (@MattForVA) who ran for a state office in Virginia.

@JohnMcGuire4VA was opposing @RepBobGood for congress. McGuire was endorsed by Trump. Trump was punishing Good for the act of endorsing DeSantis in the primary even though Good has a 100% conservative record and is part of the Freedom Caucus, and McGuire is a ‘RINO’.

The post:

@RepBobGood is in the congressional district right next to me, and I know @JohnMcGuire4VA

When I was prosecuted for not following COVID mandates at my restaurant, McGuire not only sat by quietly, he worked against me.

When they took my licenses, a Delegate here in VA submitted a piece of legislation to try and help my situation out.

All Republicans voted in favor of it, except McGuire.

He called me and apologized saying, “I didn’t know the bill was in support of you, and honestly, I didn’t read it.”

Is that someone you want representing you in Congress?

I ran for state senate during that time because all of the RINOs – including @GovernorVA
– not only weren’t helping me, but they were actively involved in trying to shutdown my restaurant over COVID mandates.

While I was running, McGuire reached out to me.

He said he loves what I stand for and hopes I win, but can’t support me because the Speaker of the VA House told him not to.

I never asked for his support, so that call surprised me.

It made me lose even more respect for him because I respect no man that lets another man make his decisions.

On top of that, McGuire is funded by @SpeakerMcCarthy

Those are all facts that McGuire can’t dispute because I have proof.

The Establishment just did a drive by in Virginia, and Trump was the one driving the car.

I don’t get it.