Trump accomplishments…

First president in 28 years to not serve a second term.

First president in 45 years not to release any of his tax returns.

First president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

First president in 102 years to allow more than 1.2M Americans to die in a single virus outbreak.

First president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.

First president in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration.

First president ever to fail to hit a 50% approval rating at any point during their presidency.

First president ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation.

First president ever to be impeached twice.

First president ever to have members of their own party vote for conviction in an impeachment trial.

First president ever to have an arrest warrant issued against him by a foreign nation.

First president ever to refuse to concede defeat.

First president to be banned from social media.

First president to refuse to ensure the peaceful transfer of power.

First president to have their home searched for official national security documents.

First former president found liable of sexual abuse, defamation and business fraud.

First former president criminally indicted (also the second, third and fourth).

First former president with a mugshot.

First former president to await a jury’s verdict as the defendant in a criminal trial.

So many firsts, so much winning.